Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A First!

This is the first time Varrah slept the night in her crib. Since she has been born, she has slept in her pack and play in our bedroom. It was sad to have her sleep ALL THE WAY across the hall from us in her nursery, but it was about time and we had to document the proof for the grandmas and grandpas who never thought the day would guys win! :)


Anonymous said...

I am amazed! I really never thought you would give up the joy of having her so close. Congratulations. She looks so little in that big crib.

Quists said...

I love the way she is sprawled out like that... as though she is saying, "Finally! All this room to lounge around in!" HA HA! What a fun new milestone... moving to her crib. What a cutie.