Well it has been a little over a year since our last post....how sad is that. Even though it isn't an excuse, we have been pretty busy. I have changed jobs, Erika has gotten knocked up and Varrah goes to Dance class and has become quite the entertainer.
Varrah has changed ALOT since the last time we updated. She has a wonderful vocabulary and communicates with us using some very interesting statements that make us laugh. She is super excited to be a big sister and tells everyone about her new baby sister that is in Mommy's tummy. (Who could be joining us any day now)
Halloween was a lot of fun for Varrah. First she had a Halloween party at her Aunt Krista's house where she filled up on themed edibles. Then we took her to Northfield, MN where she trick-or-treated with some friends. She got more candy than she knew what to do with. It was a blast.
Christmas was a blast this year, Varrah really got into the idea of Christmas (Jesus' birthday) and had lots of fun playing Christmas with the nativity set. She also experienced and understood Santa and how he comes to our home and brings Presents. Her face when she saw that Santa had come and eaten the cookies and milk she had left him was priceless. Nonetheless, she doesn't want the Holiday to end.
This fall she also started Dance Classes at the Little Gym in Burnsville. She gets to learn gymnastics which include tumbling, balance beam, rings and bars. Ballet and Tap dancing are the other focus and while tap is hard for her to get into, the ballet is her favorite and she shows it with her dizzying number of spins and twirls.